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May 17, 2002

A subscriber responds: Parents' action needed

In response to a feature last week about subscriber Mary in North Carolina, Diana in Arizona emailed us her support for Mary's concern and activism. This page is part of our May 17 issue. Here's Diana's message in full:

"We cannot allow this [porn on the Net] to be ignored. 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,' by Edmund Burke, says it all.

"There are more people angry and disgusted by this than those who are indifferent about it or outright addicted to the pornography. There is no reason why there can't be a '.porn' designation on all Web sites so that those who do not wish to go there will never be forced to endure these disgraceful images.

"We must organize, organize, organize. There is no other solution. We must develop a network of strong-willed, caring parents who are absolutely determined to get a handle on this once and for all. The pornographic industry is banking on the assumption that American society has slipped so far into the moral cesspool that they no longer have the mental or moral stamina and determination to take control of this. But I believe the time has come for all decent Americans to stand up and be counter. There is NOTHING more powerful that motivated individuals who are passionate and have the conviction to not stop until the battle is won, and don't kid yourself, this is a battle, just as clearly defined and easy to see as any other great battle in world history.

"We are not unlike the United States when it was asleep on December 7, 1941 and awoke to an unexpected disaster. It took awhile to ramp up and gain the national will to organize and clearly define the enemy, the strategy and the ultimate goal. But we as parents and intelligent caring adults need to reclaim the Internet images and gain the same standards that exist on television with separate channels for this type of trash, or adult bookstores, clearly marked, with inaccessibility to minors. Just because the Internet was produced during this modern era does not mean it cannot be set up with the same safeguards that were in place when television first became available in 1954, or adult book stores were first opened in the 1960s. The same rules need to apply and the same controls established. If we're waiting for bought off politicians or the perverted pornography industry to demand these standards, we will wait forever. In the meantime, our children are growing up and their lives are scarred forever by these disgusting images there even grown adult men should never see.

"My own son's life has, to a large degree, been destroyed by pornography and he has now developed an appetite for it. No matter how hard we have tried to monitor, limit, and control it, he has managed to circumvent all efforts either at our home or the homes of other computer-savvy parents. We need to reclaim our computers, the Internet, and the moral character and dignity of our homes, our schools, and our communities by placing pornograpy and virtual pornography in the cesspool lockbox where it belongs, with a key to the cesspool Web sites accessible to those who wish to swim around the bottom of the toilet and live there.

"I would be glad to help you organize a letter writing campaign, organize bills to go to Congress, or whatever else would facilitate meaningful change in the way the Internet configures itself, so that those who genuinely wish to avoid the whiff of this sickness in their homes, minds, and hearts are successfully and easily able to do so. I know truckloads of other parents who feel the same way. Leadership is needed, and it feels like there is a leadership void. Jane Fonda, Bella Abzug, Barbara Walters, Leeza Gibbons,
Jane Seymour, Kathy Lee Gifford, where are you? Where are the female leaders who supposedly care about women, children, families, this country? Where are you? Are you afraid, bought and paid for, indifferent, or addicted to pornography? Which is it? Why is there no collective moral outrage at this? I don't get it."

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