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Dear Subscribers:

Virus Alert: The 'Love Bug' - May 4, 2000

We're sending you this Special Edition of the newsletter today to alert you to a particularly nasty computer virus now spreading rapidly around the world via email. Don't open any email with the subject "ILOVEYOU" - and especially not the attachment it probably includes. For a complete explanation, go to's Larry Magid's page on this "I Love You" worm. According to Wired News, it started infecting computer networks last night.

One of our own subscribers in Germany, Christina, just mentioned her troubles with it in an email to us today: "I had a lot of trouble with a macrovirus today. Germany and half of Europe was flooded by one sent via email today called: 'I Love You-Mail.' Don't open it if it reaches the USA!!!" Sincerely, Net Family News Online Safety Project


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