Well, an actual group labeled “parents” wasn’t measured, but I suspect parents figured prominently in a Nielsen study that found 35-to-49-year-olds are the fastest-growing group in social-network sites. “Time spent on these sites is growing three times faster than the overall Internet rate … [and] more than two-thirds of the world’s online population now visits social networking and blogging sites,” USATODAY reports, citing the study. In fact, one out of every 11 minutes of the average Web user’s time is spent in a social site, the USATODAY article says, and one out of every 6 minutes in the UK, reports the BBC. The Nielsen study looked at nine countries. Among these, Brazil was No. 1 in social networking and blogging with 80% of Net users visiting such sites. Spain and the US were Nos. 2 and 3, at 75% and 67%, respectively, according to USATODAY. Social networking has surpassed Web email among top computer activities across the user population, the (others are search, portals, and PC software). As for mobile social networking, the numbers of Britons accessing a social site via their phone was up 249% (the BBC doesn’t say, but that’s probably in the past year). If you’re a parent in Facebook or MySpace, check out “Virtual helicopter parenting” and, in the Los Angeles Times, “Big Mother is watching.”
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