Anybody who grew up with or knows somebody who grew up with Disney's Lilo & Stitch film and cartoons knows "ohana" means "family" in Hawaiian, but also something more. The creators of Ohanarama are going for that spirit of multi-generational togetherness with their just-launched gaming service, which is now an app on Facebook and a site. Right now, the free, growing service offers single- and … [Read more...] about New family gaming experience: Ohanarama
Pew Internet
Various fresh findings on Facebook use
There used to be two bodies of research most relevant to kids online: social-media research and youth-online-risk research (as co-chair of an online-safety task force last year, I tried to bring more of the former into the discussion). But that binary is fading fast, as it should; since the Internet mirrors virtually all of human life, what's happening on it should be looked at by researchers in … [Read more...] about Various fresh findings on Facebook use
Making calls online is taking off in US: Study
Using the Internet to talk on the phone has really started to take off, the Pew Internet & American Life Project reports. A quarter of US adults Internet users have made phone calls online now (19% of all US adults), up from 8% (and 6%) in 2007. Now, 5% of US Internet users make calls online "on any given day," Pew says, up from 2% in 2007. This was the first year in Pew's ongoing study of Net … [Read more...] about Making calls online is taking off in US: Study
Guest post: How about some FACTS on UK teen sexting?
The research-reporting impairment that unfortunately afflicts so many, so often, flared up at the UK tabloid the Daily Mail late last week., experts at debunking disinformation and misinformation about youth, looked at both the reporting and the study (of British 11-to-18-year-olds conducted by the UK's South West Grid for Learning and the University of Plymouth) that received the … [Read more...] about Guest post: How about some FACTS on UK teen sexting?
Facebook deletes ‘thousands of U13 accounts a day’
This wouldn't be a bad media literacy lesson! I had to click from CNN to Fast Company to to get to the original coverage in Australia's Daily Telegraph, which reported that "about 20,000 children are kicked off Facebook every day for lying about their age" (language that oddly suggests punishment). The Daily Telegraph was basing its lede on a statement made by Facebook adviser and … [Read more...] about Facebook deletes ‘thousands of U13 accounts a day’